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外刊精读 | 为什么世界各国的语言都管妈妈叫 Mama 呢?|汉语|英语|主语|宾语|状语|谓语

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:48    点击次数:69

今天是小芳老师陪你精读外刊的第82天难度指数6级(共8级)前期回顾:段落梳理Para 1:用一个问题引入话题:为什么有些词(mom)在完全不相关的语言中听起来很相似?同时,提出了两种可以解释的原因。Para 2:列举第一个原因:通过传播。Para 3:列举第二个原因:语言的arbitrariness特点。Para 4-5:解释了为什么有些发音更容易同时出现更多的语言中,比如说b, m, p, t, d and k等等第一步:泛读原文(盲听1遍,泛读1遍,对照文本听1遍)Why do some words sound similar in completely unrelated languages?Across the world, the term for “mother” usually begins with an m-sound. A map bouncing around social media shows “languages where the word for ‘mother/mom’ takes an m-sound”. It puts old maps of defunct empires to shame; scores of countries are shaded red. There are two ways this near-universality might have come about.One is by spread. It is possible that language was invented only once, before the human exodus from Africa. This hypothesis—that there was once a “Proto-World” language—has led some researchers to scour distant languages in search of commonalities, which can then be used to try to reconstruct the parent words. But such work is rejected by most mainstream linguists. Human language is maybe 100,000 years old, possibly much older. Languages change vastly even in mere millennia. “Proto-World” proposals remain controversial at best.There is another reason so many languages might have an m-sound in “mother”. Linguists generally argue for “the arbitrariness of the sign”: no connection exists between the word dog and the furry quadruped. A rare exception is onomatopoeia, where words representing the bark of a dog (bow-wow or Spanish’s guau-guau) vaguely resemble the sound. Yet most things are not subject to naming this way.What about mama? It does not sound like a mother, but it does piggyback on another feature of language: the fact that some sounds are more widespread than others around the world. There are many dozens of observed consonants, from the clicks of some African languages to the “ejectives” (which make use of air pressure built up in the mouth) of Caucasian ones. These sounds are rare and hard for non-natives to learn. In contrast, a few—such as b, m, p, t, d and k—show up far more frequently, in nearly every spoken language in the world. That is almost certainly because they are easy to make.A baby vocalising will, at first, make a vowel-like sound, usually something like “ah”, which requires little in the way of control over the mouth. If they briefly close their mouth and continue vocalising, air will come out of their nose, thus making the m-sound that is used in “mother” around the world. Though the “mamas” bear the most obvious similarity, the “papas” have striking commonalities, too. Babies can easily stop their breath when they close their lips (rather than going on breathing through the nose). This produces a b- or a p-sound. It is surely for this reason that so many names for “father” use these consonants: papain English, abb in Arabic and babain Mandarin. T- and d-sounds are similarly basic, involving a simple tap of the tongue against the teeth: hence daddy, tatay (Tagalog) or tayta(Quechua).第一段Why do some words sound similar in completely unrelatedAcross the world, the term for “mother” usually begins with an m-sound. A mapbouncingaround social media shows “languages where the word for ‘mother/mom’ takes an m-sound”. It puts old maps ofdefunctempires to shame; scores of countries are shaded red. There are two ways this near-universality might have come about.单词1)bounce:(of an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it; rebound (once or repeatedly). (指物体,尤指球)在击中表面后迅速向上、向后或离开表面;反弹(一次或多次)。英语例句A. The ball bounced off the goalpost and into the net.球从门柱上弹开,射入球门。B. The children had broken the bed by bouncing (= jumping up and down) on it.孩子们在床上蹦蹦跳跳,把床弄坏了。2)defunct记忆方法:defunct = de + functde 大家应该不陌生,是【词根】:“反,向下”的意思,funct 是 function 的压缩版,而 function 的意思是:n. 作用,功能,所以 defunct 可以解释为“没用功能的,没有作用的,不行使责任的”;也可理解为“功能衰退的,作用下降的”。例句:By the end of the year the currently defunct Freeview channel eight will start to glow with local fare. 到今年年底,之前已停播的自由观点第八频道将通过地方收费重获新生。---经济学人。短语put sb/sth to shameMeaning:to be much better than someone or something else 使某人/某事相形见绌例句:Your cooking puts mine to shame.Shame的补充用法:It is a shame that… ⋯真遗憾It would be a shame to waste this 把这浪费掉太可惜了What a shame! 太遗憾了!It shamed him to admit… 他羞愧地承认to shame sb into sth/into doing sth 使某人羞愧地做某事No.句子A map bouncing around social media shows “languages where the word for ‘mother/mom’ takes an m-sound”. It puts old maps of defunct empires to shame; scores of countries are shaded red.本句中,主语是A map,动名词引导定语bouncing around social media,谓语shows,宾语:“languages where the word for ‘mother/mom’ takes an m-sound”.那如何理解:It puts old maps of defunct empires to shame; scores of countries are shaded red. 字母意思是:它让昔日帝国的旧地图相形见绌;几十个国家被标记为红色。进一步解释就是因为社交媒体上流传着这张显示“‘母亲/妈妈’一词带m音的语言”的地图,其中国家之多,让昔日帝国相形见绌(即时是昔日帝国也没有占据这么多国家版图)。第二段One is by spread. It is possible that language was invented only once, before the humanexodusfrom Africa. This hypothesis—that there was once a “Proto-World” language—has led some researchers toscourdistant languages in search of commonalities, which can then be used to try to reconstruct the parent words. But such work is rejected by most mainstream linguists. Human language is maybe 100,000 years old, possibly much older. Languages change vastly even in mere millennia. “Proto-World” proposals remain controversialat best.单词1. exodus基本释义:a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular place at the same time〔大批人同时〕离开; 涌离深入解读:exodus源于《圣经》中的篇章——Exodus(《出埃及记》)。《出埃及记》叙述了古以色列人在摩西带领下离开埃及,摆脱奴役地位,穿过红海和荒野以及十诫之事。以色列人在埃及所受的虐待蒙神垂听,神兴起了先知摩西,带领他们走出埃及到应许之地(Promised Land)迦南,使他们脱离苦境,当时约为公元前1450年。离开埃及后的希伯来人,在红海遭遇埃及法老的追兵,神使红海分开,让百姓穿越到达彼岸。之后,红海合起淹没全部的追兵。如今,exodus一词泛化地用来表示一大批人同时离开某地,比如因为战争而导致的大批难民的迁移,或者从农村到城市的迁移等,常搭配mass使用,如:the mass exodus from Paris to the country in the summer(夏日大批人从巴黎外出到乡村)。这个词在外刊新闻里出现的频率非常高,比如下面是某一期《经济学人》的封面:精选例句1) A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.大批医生的离去正迫使政府从国外招聘。2) The war caused a mass exodus of refugees.战争造成了大批难民的逃离。词汇拓展:同近义词:gush, outflow, outpour, outpouring反义词:flux, inflow, influx, inrush2. scour基本释义: 搜寻。外刊例句:Fund managersscourthe documents to ensure that firms’ executives are not fibbing.基金经理们仔细翻查这些文件,来确定公司高管们所言不虚。——《经济学人》He has his own truck now, along with six employeesscouringthe market for deals.现在他有了自己的卡车,还雇了六个人在市场上四处寻觅生意。——《纽约时报》深入解读Scour 是一个只比熟词 sour (酸的、有酸味的)多了一个字母 c 的单词。该词源自拉丁语 excurare (清理、除掉),13世纪经中古荷兰语 scuren, schuren (擦亮、清洁)以及古法语 escurer 进入英语,即用来表示“擦净、擦亮”,多指用粗糙的物体搭配研磨料或洗涤剂使劲摩擦来清洁或光亮某物的表面,常用搭配scour sth (out)。比如:While scouring out those old cooking pots, the shifted her from one foot to another. 在刷这些旧锅时,服务员改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。此外, scour 同 , , 等一样,也是个同形异义词,还有一个词源不详可能是源于古北欧语 skyra (匆忙行事)的含义指“搜寻、搜查、翻找”,作不及物动词时多指在搜索追捕时迅速穿行、急促回来,比如:The children scoured over the hillside for . 孩子们在山坡上到处寻找引火的干柴。而作及物动词时,则较为狭义地表示对某个地方、文本等进行彻底搜索或细查,以定位某个必须找到的东西,常用搭配scour sth (for sb/sth),比如:Extra police are being to scour the area for the missing child. 现正在额外抽调警察去这个地区四处搜查,以寻找失踪的孩子。名著用例She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it her whole, let it cleanse her and temper her andscourher clean.它在朝自己唱歌啊,于是她伸开双臂,拥抱火焰,让它将自己完全吞噬,涤净她,锻炼她。出自美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁所著的史诗奇幻小说系列《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)。短语at best用法:at best通常放在句尾,表示让步。类似的词组还有at the best。例句:I think you can finish half of your homework tonight at best. 我觉得你今晚最多能完成一半的作业。结构分析:I是主语, think是谓语,后面紧跟宾语从句, you是主语, can finish是谓语(情态动词+动词原形), half of your homework是宾语(half of和your是前置定语,修饰homework), tonight是时间状语, at best是状语。更多例句:"His performance was mediocre at best," 他的表现充其量只能算一般。"His new book lacks originality. It's OK at best," 他的新书缺少新意,最多只能算凑合。"The food served in the cafeteria is acceptable at best," 食堂的饭顶多只能算勉强可以接受。。长句This hypothesis—that there was once a “Proto-World” language—has led some researchers to scour distant languages in search of commonalities, which can then be used to try to reconstruct the parent words.本句主语:This hypothesis, 紧跟that引导的同位语,也就是说假设=曾经有一种“原始世界”语言,谓语has led*** to do sth,which引导了非限定性定语从句。写作主题句One is by spread.通过结合上文,可知这是妈妈一词普遍以“m”开头的第一个原因,by spread,也就是通过传播,也就可知本段主要是将传播。主题句的用法,我们之前讲过好多次。如之前的一篇推送:第三段There is another reason so many languages might have an m-sound in “mother”. Linguists generally argue for “thearbitrarinessof the sign”: no connection exists between the word dog and the furryquadruped. A rare exception is onomatopoeia, where words representing the bark of a dog (bow-wow or Spanish’s guau-guau) vaguely resemble the sound. Yet most things are not subject to naming this way.单词1. Arbitrariness 任意性,这里指的的语言学的一个知识。Arbitrariness refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. 任意性指的是语言符号的声音和意义没有必然的联系,它是语言最核心的一个区别性特征。 之所以叫“苹果”,仅仅是是由于第一批人这样叫它,所以我们如果最开始把苹果叫做“猪”或者“树”,那么今天的可能就叫做“猪”或者“树”了。这样看来,苹果的发音或者拼写和它的意义之间没有任何联系。我们可以用不同的语言指代“”,汉语里我们称之为“书”,英语里称之为“book”,日语里称之为“本(ほん)”。可以看到在不同的语言中,“”的叫法不同,这也说明了语言符号的发音和意义之间没有必然的联系。汉语里第一批人用“苹果”指代之后,这样的叫法被语言社区里的人广泛接受和认可,进入了汉语这门语言的词汇体系,被后代所习得和传承,形成了一种社会规约。所以从这个意义上来说,语言的形式(spelling & sound)和意义之间的关系既是任意的又是规约的(arbitrary and conventional)2. quadrupedMeaning: an animal that has four legs四足动物E.g. Horses, lions and dogs are quadrupeds, but humans are bipeds. 马、狮子和狗都是四足动物,但人是两足动物。这里需要注意的是:quadri- 为词根,表示四,如quadrilateral,四边形;quadruplet 四胞胎之一。短语短语:be subjected to 遭受;受到;经受例句:If there is divergence in explanation, must be subjected to the English version.如在解释上遇有分歧,应以英文本为准。辨析:The job applicantsare subject/subjected toa high level of scrutiny.be subject to和be subjected to都可以用,两者的细微差别是:be subject to指“面试者必须(MUST)经过详细审核”,subject的形容词特性更多是描述一种条件或状态;而用be subjected to强调求职者是集中面试、背景调查以及评估的“直接承受者”(或带有HAVE TO的感觉),subject的动词特性更多是强调动作。写作主题句:There is another reason so many languages might have an m-sound in “mother”.本句作为段落主题句,主要是分析妈妈一词普遍以“m”开头的第另一个原因。第四段What about mama? It does not sound like a mother, but it does piggyback on another feature of language: the fact that some sounds are more widespread than others around the world. There are many dozens of observed consonants, from the clicks of some African languages to the “ejectives” (which make use of air pressure built up in the mouth) of Caucasian ones. These sounds are rare and hard for non-natives to learn. In contrast, a few — such as b, m, p, t, d and k — show up far more frequently, in nearly every spoken language in the world. That is almost certainly because they are easy to make.单词1. piggybackPiggyback字面的含义是骑在小猪的后背上,字典解释是a ride on sb's back, while he or she is walking,也就是我们中文里说的,背着某人,驮着某人。常见的例句,比如:Give me a piggyback, Daddy! 背背我,爸爸!I gave him a piggyback ride. 我把他背回来了家。而piggyback做动词时,含义指sit or stand on the back and shoulders of another person. 是不是有种站在巨人的肩膀上“standing on the shoulder of giants”的既视感。这个词作动词可以经常用在讨论或者辩论中,可以使用“to piggyback someone's points”指的是,赞同某人的观点,并以此为基础再做补充。就是我们中文中常说的,“某人说的很对,我再补充说明一点啊”,这的确是一个和他人探讨问题或讨论时都能用上的好词!2. raree.g. ~ (for sb / sth to do sth) | ~ (to do sth) not done, seen, happening, etc. very often稀少的;稀罕的e.g.a rare disease / occurrence / sight罕见的疾病 / 事件;难得一见的事物e.g.It's extremely rare for it to be this hot in April. 四月份就这样炎热是极其罕见的。同义词:infrequent, peculiar, scarce, sparse, uncommon, unusual反义词:dense, ordinary阅语There are many dozens of observed consonants, from the clicks of some African languages to the “ejectives” (which make use of air pressure built up in the mouth) of Caucasian ones.当我们读到 “ejectives”,这个词大概率我们不是不懂的,但是括号里面的内容是等于which make use of air pressure built up in the mouth,是我们非常地解释,就可以大致理解意思啦。第五段A baby vocalising will, at first, make a vowel-like sound, usually something like “ah”, which requires little in the way of control over the mouth. If they briefly close their mouth and continuevocalising, air will come out of their nose, thus making the m-sound that is used in “mother” around the world. Though the “mamas”bear the most obvious similarity, the “papas” have striking commonalities, too. Babies can easily stop their breath when they close their lips (rather than going on breathing through the nose). This produces a b- or a p-sound. It is surely for this reason that so many names for “father” use these consonants: papain English, abb in Arabic and baba in Mandarin. T- and d-sounds are similarly basic, involving a simple tap of the tongue against the teeth: hence daddy, tatay (Tagalog) or tayta (Quechua).单词1. vocalizing: 发声补充一个背景知识:vocalising 还指声读,即在阅读时常常读出声音来,从而直接影响了阅读速度。或是心读(sub- vocalising),即是一种除本人外其他人察觉不出来的有声阅读形式。心读时,读者在心里对自己清晰地发出某个单词的读音,好像清楚地听到自己在念一个词。2. Bearthe similarity1)忍受: 常与can或could连用,用于否定句和疑问句,构成固定搭配: can't / couldn't bear to do/ doing。其后接动名词作宾语,表示习惯性的动作; 也可接不定式作宾语,表示某一次具体的动作 。bear doing/to do... 忍受做······bear sb. /sb.'s doing... 忍受某人做······bear/keep sth. in mind 牢记某事2)负重,负荷( to hold or support something)-The chair, too fragile to bear her weight, collapsed.3)携带(to have or continue to have something)-Thank you for your advice - I'll bear it in mind.-The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.句型1. 长句A baby vocalising will, at first, make a vowel-like sound, usually something like “ah”, which requires little in the way of control over the mouth.主语:A baby vocalising,谓语:will make, 宾语:a vowel-like sound,同位语:usually something like “ah”,定语从句:which requires little in the way of control over the mouth.2. 强调句It is surely for this reason that so many names for “father” use these consonants强调句是比较常用的句子类型,可以强调句用来强调句子中的某一成分(通常是句子的主语,宾语,表语,状语等)I (主语) met (谓语) Li Ming (宾语) at the railway station (地点状语) yesterday(时间状语).强调主语:It was I that (who) met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.强调宾语:It was Li Ming that/ who I met at the railway station yesterday.强调地点状语:It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday.强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station.但是外刊中有时候,强调句不好看出,比如说:It is government action, combined with clear and consistent disclosure, that can save the planet, not an abbreviation that is in danger of standing for exaggerated, superficial guff能够拯救地球的是政府的行动,再加上明确和一致的披露,而不是一个可能被夸大的、肤浅的废话所代表的缩写It is government action, combined with clear and consistent disclosure, that can save the planet,这是一个强调句,被强调部分:government action, combined with clear and consistent disclosure.阅读任务请大家阅读全文后,绘制思维导图方法提示: 思维导图有利于大家掌握文章框架和逻辑,帮助大家理清思路。画思维导图的过程中,可以多次通读,并且尝试找到关键词,慢慢梳理框架。【特别声明】以上内容由小芳老师原创整理,转载请注明来源,本平台采用的音视频资源均出于传递信息和英语学习之目的,并没有任何商业目的。本公号尊重知识产权,如无意中侵犯了您的权益,请及时联系后台,本公号将及时删除。


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